
Developers amend redevelopment plans for former BHS store in Slough | Slough Observer

Amended proposals have been submitted to Slough Borough Council by developers looking to demolish the former BHS on the High Street.

The original plans for the former department store, located on 204-206 Slough High Street, were approved back 18 months ago. Carbide Circular Razor Slitter

Developers amend redevelopment plans for former BHS store in Slough | Slough Observer

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Developers wish to redevelopers of the existing site to build properties and commercial space.

These properties include over 70 new flats.

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An additional eight one-bedroom apartments have been added to the revised plans.

A new residential entrance and increase the number of bicycle and waste storage are also included in the plans, along with removing plans for an office and a gym.

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Developers amend redevelopment plans for former BHS store in Slough | Slough Observer

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