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Uzun Hidrolik to help Turkish curing press maker diversify into more tire processes, other industries Power Steering Pump

Kocaeli, Turkey - Tire curing equipment maker Uzer Makina has recently acquired Uzun Hidrolik, a manufacturer of hydraulic products for industries including energy, harbor, and mining.
The deal is a "natural next step" in a partnership between the two companies over two decades, according to a 4 April statement from Uzer Makina.
Uzun Hidrolik's expertise in the production of customised products and capabilities will help Uzer Makina "to diversify its revenue streams," it added.
More particularly, Uzer Makina said the acquisition will help it to expand into other tire manufacturing processes, as well as into other heavy industries.
The company added that it aims to leverage Uzun Hidrolik's expertise to become a major player in the hydraulic products market.
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