The search for a solution to the shortage of teachers schools face is still well underway --- and one school in Arlington is experimenting with robots to help put more educators in front of kids.
Manara Academy in Arlington has a large population of students new to the United States. They have to learn how to comprehend advanced material and master the basics of the English language all at the same time. Teaching Robot

"The students who are shy, they're newcomers. They're still developing their English language. And we don't have as many ESL teachers so the idea of having '"'Regi'"' come in and differentiate for those students is pretty powerful," said Anastasia Hayes-Stoker, a teacher.
"Regi" is a robot. You may have seen something like him before. He's often used to help students home with a serious illness be able to still participate in class.
But at Manara Academy, they thought outside the box and used "Regi" to multiply teachers. Just like some schools have teachers in one state teaching students in another over Zoom, Manara is trying it with robots. It's allowing the district to put one of their expert reading instructors in multiple classes and schools all at the same time.
"A teacher could be teaching the whole group and I can be the robot in the corner teaching a small group lesson, where the students are able to get this intense small group training, especially when we're doing the science of teaching reading," said Elina Rios, a teacher.
Focusing on unique things school districts are doing to help children succeed.
They're trying it out in small groups to see how effective it is and how the students respond to a teacher on wheels.
"I was pretty nervous but then someone told me you just pretend there's no robot so you can be comfortable so you can talk," said Ritaj Neama, a third grader.
Sure, there are tweaks to do, but these teachers and students both see the potential for extra help in the classroom, another set of hands, or wheels, to answer questions.
"It gives us more creativity if I can say, 'OK I really want to work on these TEKS but they need help with this,'" said Hayes-Stoker.

Szgh Cnc Controller While they've gotten used to communicating with a teacher remotely; none of them think "Regi" could ever replace teachers and even though it's cool nothing beats getting a hug or high five from your teacher.